Aj aj Captain!
Datum: 2011-07-28 | KL: 23:56:44Good evening lovers, I'm feeling soooo good today. I'm very happy, th weather is awesome, I'M AWESOME. I got some pics from yesterday for you! Enjoy.

* Joy enojoying a latté in the sun.

* Arian playing the guitar, his voice is A W E S O M E !

* My favourite place.

* Fanny & Carin @ Cicero

* Me earlier today.
Now, time for bed! Or? We'll see.
Sleep tight
Love, Lily.

* Joy enojoying a latté in the sun.

* Arian playing the guitar, his voice is A W E S O M E !

* My favourite place.

* Fanny & Carin @ Cicero

* Me earlier today.
Now, time for bed! Or? We'll see.
Sleep tight
Love, Lily.